NB: All articles of this website is not medical advise. These are in details information about constipation
Home / December 7, 2022

Can Antibiotics Cause Constipation?

Sometimes people suffer from constipation again but do not know the cause of their constipation and then one of the common question "can antibiotics cause constipation ?" appears in their mind. Although there are many factors that can cause constipation. These factors include dairy products, stress, depression, and much more, but sometimes they can not understand what is the main cause of constipation so they can not easily be cured. Read More

Natural Remedies for Constipation

I'll tell you about some best natural remedies for constipation through this article. Actually, coping with constipation can be a pain in the… well… you know what! Generally, the first thing that people grab for constipation is the nearest OTC constipation pill in the medicine cabinet. There are several brands of over the counter constipation meds available on the market, but is that the best way to go about it? Milk of Magnesia works for constipation, and so does Metamucil. Other brands that also work well for constipation are Citrucel, Dulcolax, Miralax, Colace and more. But all of these OTC (over the counter) remedies available for constipation have certain unpleasant... Read More

How to Poop When Constipated ?

Constipation is very common. Sometimes it stalks from stress. Sometimes it comes from wicked diet or lifestyle selection. Still other time, it’s fetched on by a medical conditional so that requires a doctor’s consideration. You can also find relief, though whether people constipation becomes a typical case or even more serious. The variety comes in how people find relief. So let's see some natural remedies on "how to poop when constipated": Read More