NB: All articles of this website is not medical advise. These are in details information about constipation
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Constipation – Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

How long does constipation last? The answer to this question lies captive in the cause of the constipation. When constipation is just something that happens after a party, then it should be over within a day or to. But if it was cause by an incorrect lifestyle, then it can last for years, even the rest of your life, if you do not have it treated correctly and change your lifestyle. For more about “How long does constipation last, click here. Read More

Natural Remedies for Constipation After Childbirth

Constipation After Childbirth
Experiencing constipation after childbirth is a common issue that affects many new mothers. The physical and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth can disrupt the regularity of bowel movements, causing discomfort and frustration. While there are over-the-counter laxatives and medications available, an increasing number of new mothers prefer natural remedies to alleviate constipation […] Read More

10 Natural constipation remedies for infants

Natural constipation remedies for infants
Are you worried that your infant is constipated?Constipation is a common problem in infants, and it can be frustrating for both parents and babies. But there are a number of Natural constipation remedies for infants that you can try to help relieve constipation in your infant. In this article, we will discuss the causes of […] Read More

Foods to Help Constipation

There are two levels of foods are the best foods to relieve constipation because of the high fiber content. The fiber fills the insides of the bowels and helps the food move along through the intestines more easily. All of these foods are awesome foods that help constipation. You need about six servings per day of carbohydrates, 3 servings per day of raw or cooked veggies and 2 servings per day of raw fruit. Specific foods that will help constipation and works very well for constipation relief in these categories are prunes, kiwis, popcorn, oranges, beans, pineapple, sweet potatoes, ripe bananas, nuts and seeds, whole grain bread, pears and apples,... Read More

Is constipation a sign of pregnancy?

One of the most common questions people asked: "Is constipation a sign of pregnancy?". Speaking from experience, I can testify to the fact that constipation is a sign of pregnancy. In fact, it is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. And it is one of the most dangerous conditions during pregnancy because of the fact that it can cause serious complications while you are pregnant. Constipation should be avoided at all costs while you are pregnant. Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Probiotics for Constipation Relief

best probiotic for constipation
Probiotics have gained popularity in recent years as a natural solution to improve gut health. The human gut contains trillions of microorganisms, including bacteria that play a vital role in digestion, immune function, and overall health. Imbalances in gut bacteria can lead to various health problems, including constipation. Constipation is a common digestive issue that […] Read More

Chronic Constipation in Children

Constipation can be a nasty condition to deal with, and if it a child that is afflicted with constipation it is ten times worse. When your child is constipated, especially Chronic Constipation in Children, you have to get him or her to the doctor as soon as possible. A child can be adversely affected by constipation so much quicker and easier than adults. And in many cases, you only find out about the constipation of your child when it is too late. The reason for this is that in many cases children do not know how to communicate their discomfort to adults. It is therefore advisable to learn more about... Read More

Say Goodbye to Constipation, Easy Home Remedies for Quick Relief

home remedies for constipation
Constipation is a common digestive issue that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is characterized by difficulty in passing stools, infrequent bowel movements, and hard, dry stools. While occasional constipation is usually not a cause for concern, chronic constipation can lead to complications like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and fecal impaction.There are many […] Read More

Natural Remedies for Constipation

I'll tell you about some best natural remedies for constipation through this article. Actually, coping with constipation can be a pain in the… well… you know what! Generally, the first thing that people grab for constipation is the nearest OTC constipation pill in the medicine cabinet. There are several brands of over the counter constipation meds available on the market, but is that the best way to go about it? Milk of Magnesia works for constipation, and so does Metamucil. Other brands that also work well for constipation are Citrucel, Dulcolax, Miralax, Colace and more. But all of these OTC (over the counter) remedies available for constipation have certain unpleasant... Read More

How to Poop When Constipated ?

Constipation is very common. Sometimes it stalks from stress. Sometimes it comes from wicked diet or lifestyle selection. Still other time, it’s fetched on by a medical conditional so that requires a doctor’s consideration. You can also find relief, though whether people constipation becomes a typical case or even more serious. The variety comes in how people find relief. So let's see some natural remedies on "how to poop when constipated": Read More

Nursing Diagnosis for Constipation

A nursing diagnosis for constipation obtained about any condition, including constipation, can be a part of the individual, family, or community experiences and/or responses to actual and/or potential health problems and/or life processes during the process of nursing a person back to health. For this purpose, we will remain with constipation and will do a nursing diagnosis of constipation. This particular nursing diagnosis was developed based on data obtained during the nursing assessment of an individual adult female. This will be a clinical judgment about experiences regarding the constipation of said adult female. Read More

How to Relieve Constipation?

Constipation can cause a lot of frustration and anxiety. Some people may not understand this, but they are the lucky ones who never get constipation. When you are not constipated you tend to not worry about constipation at all… until at some point you do become constipated. The moment that happens to you, you quickly start looking at how to relieve constipation. Thinking about how to relieve constipation is one thing, but where to find the relief from constipation is something that needs to be researched carefully. Now it’s all well and good to talk about it and hear about it, but the question remains: Hoe to relieve constipation? How... Read More

My Baby is Constipated

When a baby is constipated, the parents of the baby can be beside themselves with stress and anxiety because of not knowing how to relieve constipation and how to help the baby get calm again. One would often observe the parents of newborn babies rushing into a chemist to get a remedy for their baby’s constipation. A constipated baby can cry for hours on end, causing the parents and everybody else in the area to also become stressed and anxious. Read More

Karo Syrup for Infant Constipation

One of the most stressful situations for parents of young infants is when their baby has constipation. It is quite a common site for parents of newborn babies to run into a pharmacy and get something to relieve the baby’s constipation. Nursing babies seldom get constipation, but the situation is quite different with formula fed babies. The formulas used to feed babies are made from non-human milk sources, and this can lead different kinds of irregularities. One such irregularity is constipation. So, now the question is "Karo Syrup for Infant constipation", how much effective? Instead of using even more unnatural substances to remedy the situation of a baby having... Read More

Milk of Magnesia for Constipation

Milk of Magnesia for Constipation has been around forever. My maternal grandmother NEVER used to be without it. It was what she would use for everything from nausea to heartburn to constipation. Milk of Magnesia works by means of a method called oral osmoses, where the medication draws water from surrounding tissues into the intestines in order to let the stool pass more easily. The learned name for Milk of Magnesia is Magnesium Hydroxide. Milk of Magnesia is available as an OTC (over the counter) medicine that relieves constipation. It is not just good for constipation, but can also be used for heartburn, acid reflux and indigestion. Read More